The EU announces the reduction of the acuteness of the problem of the shortage of launch vehicles. The European Union will introduce more innovation and competition, to demonstrate, що може йти в ногу з глобальними конкурентами.
Central to this effort is the European Launcher Challenge program, which the European Space Agency (ЕКА) plans to start in the coming weeks. ЕКА, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, relies on this program, to stay relevant in space launches and keep pace with competitors, such as SpaceX. The task is aimed at financing startups and other structures, to expand local space transport capabilities in the region.
IN 2024 Europe has been successful in launches, but with clear signs of it, how many positions did you lose?. ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher warned of a shortage of launch vehicles after that, as in December 2022 In 2008, the Vega C launch failed and the Ariane program ended 5 in the middle 2023 year, which left Europe without independent access to space. But the first flight of Ariane 6 and returning to flight Vega C in 2024 year means, that this period has ended, Aschbacher said 9 January . "That's what we're focused on right now, to make sure, that these launch vehicles are being exploited", he said.
European officials initially planned six Ariane launches 6 this year, however, they were reduced to five, as engineers solve problems, discovered during the first mission. Among these launches is the first flight of Ariane 64, heavy version of the rocket with four boosters, which should carry satellites for the Amazon Kuiper cluster. ЄКА також прогнозує чотири запуску Vega C у 2025 year.
Дев’ять запланованих запусків також ілюструють розрив між Європою та іншими. Тільки компанія SpaceX минулого року здійснила 145 пусків, американська Rocket Lab здійснила 13 пусків з Нової Зеландії, а Китай здійснив 68 пусків в 2024 year.
European Launcher Challenge викликав надзвичайний інтерес і суперечки серед пускових компаній регіону. Деякі з них планують свої перші запуски в найближчі місяці. Arianespace, діючий європейський постачальник послуг запуску, попередив, that internal competition may reduce the EU's ability to keep pace with global competitors.
Nine companies were represented 8 November during the ESA European Launcher Challenge industrial day: HyImpulse, HyPrSpace, Aerospace delivery, MaiaSpace, Orbex, PLD Space, Rocket Factory Augsburg, Skyrora та The Exploration Co.
This number caused some concern. CEO of MaiaSpace, companies, belonging to the manufacturer Ariane 6 ArianeGroup and is working on a reusable rocket Johann Leroy said, that the ESA should limit the number of winners, to concentrate financial power and maximize the chances of success of selected projects.