Prevention and detection of corruption in NCUVKZ
Name of institution: National Space Facilities Control and Test Center (НЦУВКЗ)
E-mail address:
Phone number: tel / fax (044) 253-43-49
The address of the official website:
Information about the unit, responsible for the prevention and detection of corruption in the NCUVKZ: Corruption Prevention and Detection Service
E-mail address:
Phone number: +38 (067) 503-56-83
Legislation of Ukraine on preventing and combating corruption:
- Law of Ukraine “On the prevention of corruption” from 14 October 2014 year № 1700-VII
- The Law of Ukraine on the principles of state anti-corruption policy on 2021-2025 years from 20 June 2022 p. № 2322-IX
- Law of Ukraine on Ratification of the Civil Convention against Corruption of 16 March 2005 p. № 2476-IV
- Civil Convention against Corruption from 4 November 1999 p.
- Law of Ukraine on Ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption of 18 October 2006 year № 251-V
- United Nations Convention against Corruption 31 October 2003 p.
- Law of Ukraine on Ratification of the Criminal Convention against Corruption of 18 October 2006 p. No. 252-V
- Criminal Convention for the Suppression of Corruption №ETS173 of 27 January 1999 p.
- Law of Ukraine on Ratification of the Additional Protocol to the Criminal Convention against Corruption of 18 October 2006 p. No. 253-V
- Additional Protocol to the Criminal Convention for the Suppression of Corruption of 15 May 2003 p. № ETS 191
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the Procedure for conducting an official investigation” from 13 June 2000 p. № 950
- Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine from 24.04.2017 p. № 1395/5 “On the approval of the Methodology of anti-corruption examination”
- NAPC order from 06.11.2023 № 249/23 "On approval of the List of positions with a high and increased level of corruption risks"
Regulations on the Service for Prevention and Detection of Corruption of the National Center for Corruption
Activity plan of the service on issues of prevention and detection of corruption on 2024 year
NAPC clarification from 23.06.2020 № 5 "On the legal status of the whistleblower"
NAPC clarification from 09.07.2020 № 6 "On the provision of free secondary legal aid to whistleblowers"
NAPC clarification from 14.07.2020 № 7 "Regarding the peculiarities of checking reports of possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"
NAPC order from 23.07.2021 № 451/21 "On approval of the Procedure for informing the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption about opening a foreign currency account in a non-resident bank"
NAPC order from 20.08.2021 № 539/21 "On approval of the Procedure for verification of the fact of submission of declarations by subjects in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the prevention of corruption” and notification of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption of cases of non-submission or late submission of such declarations "
NAPC order from 23.07.2021 № 449/21 "On approval of the form of the declaration of the person, authorized to perform the functions of state or local self-government, and the Procedure for filling in and submitting a person's declaration, authorized to perform the functions of state or local self-government "
NAPC order from 23.07.2021 № 450/21 "On approval of the Procedure for informing the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption about significant changes in the property status of the subject of the declaration"
NAPC clarification from 14.07.2020 № 7 "Regarding the peculiarities of checking reports of possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"
NAPC clarification from 19.11.2021 № 10 "Regarding the peculiarities of the implementation of the ban 6 on obtaining benefits, services and property by state authorities and local governments (Art. 54 Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption") and responsibilities for making decisions about individuals, who accepted such benefits, services and property »
NAPC clarification from 13.11.2023 № 4 "Regarding financial integrity: application of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" regarding financial control measures (submission of the declaration, notification of significant changes in property status, notification of opening a currency account)»
CHANGES AND ADDENDUMS TO THE EXPLANATIONS FROM 13.11.2023 № 4 regarding financial integrity: application of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" regarding financial control measures (submission of the declaration, notification of significant changes in property status, notification of opening a currency account)