21 January 2025 year Fr. 15:45 (UTC) from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA using a launch vehicle «Falcon 9 Block 5» a launch was made 27 US spacecraft «Starlink Group 11-8».
Companions «Starlink v2» – these are larger and more powerful communication satellites of SpaceX. They weigh approx 750 kg and have a design with two solar batteries to increase the amount of energy supplied to the satellite. in addition, according to SpaceX CEO and CTO Elon Musk, satellites will have an order of magnitude more bandwidth, higher data rates and will be approx 10 times better in all respects.
In the future, satellites «Starlink v2» will act as a cellular ligament towers, By providing clients with cellular communications around the world. Musk stated, that each of these satellites will have a passing capacity approximately 2-4 MBIT/C per zone of cellular communication, that will allow tens of thousands of text SMS per second or make phone calls to a large number of users. Although this technology is primarily designed to communicate with emergency services worldwide, It can also be used to send messages, unrelated to emergency situations.
На даний момент угрупування КА «Starlink» is 6923 KA. Даний запуск розширить угрупування ще на 27 KA. Aimed at SpaceX Extension of the Group to 12 thousand. KA.
According to the CCS