Blue Ghost's spacecraft first launched engines and filmed the Earth's orbit

Firefly Aerospace Space Company, launched its first lunar landing module Blue Ghost as part of the Ghost Riders Mission in the Sky. As expected, first he spends some time in orbit, Before flying to the earth's satellite. During the rotation around the planet the apparatus made exciting footage.

Blue Ghost, which is transporting 10 NASA devices, successfully made the first launch of the main engine within his 45-day trip to the moon. This is an important step in a series of planned maneuvers, which will point the spacecraft in the right direction. First, after spending 25 days in Earth's orbit, Blue Ghost will finally lay down on its final course. Getting closer to the moon, he will spend more 16 days already in its orbit and only then will it begin its descent to the surface, informs 24 A channel with a link to Firefly Aerospace.

Now, Firefly has released the first short video, which shows us the body of the device through the on-board camera. But the most interesting thing is much further. Already at the beginning we see the moment, when the Sun hides behind the Earth, and the device is engulfed in almost complete darkness. Such a blackout lasts only a few seconds, before moving through space once again allows the Sun to illuminate the Blue Ghost.

This mission is part of NASA's larger Artemis campaign, aimed at testing new technologies, which will provide humanity with the possibility of returning to the moon, including drilling techniques and dust mitigation. It will pave the way for future manned missions and long-term human stays on the satellite.

Once at the planned landing point, NASA will test drilling technology on the moon, possibilities of collecting regolith samples (monthly rocks and soil), the possibilities of global navigation satellite system, resistant to calculation radiation and methods of reducing the impact of lunar dust on technique and people.
