In order to implement the agreement with the European segment of the International Group on Earth Observations (GEO), the National Office of GEO in Ukraine was launched on January 30, 2025, on the basis of the State Space Agency of Ukraine.
The GEO National Office in Ukraine is a permanent advisory body of the SSAU established to prepare professional recommendations on key issues of Earth observation from space, promote harmonization of national plans in this area with European and global initiatives, and represent Ukraine in the International Group on Earth Observations from Space and its European component EuroGEO.
The establishment of the National GEO Office in Ukraine is aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of satellite information for assessing the consequences of hostilities, addressing security and sustainable development issues, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies for the development of the digital economy, the creation of the UkrGEO information system as a national segment of the international Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and the national contribution to the European COPERNICUS and EuroGEOS programs.
The staff of the newly created Office includes representatives of the SSAU, the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, the Space Research Institute of Ukraine (NASU-SSAU), and the National Space Facilities Control and Test Center (NSFCTC of the SSAU). It is also expected that representatives of interested Ukrainian entities working in the field of Earth observation from space will be involved in the activities of the open-ended Expert Working Group under the Office.
Becoming a GEO partner is an opportunity to join a visionary global community. It is not only about access to a huge repository of data about the Earth (from satellite images of forests to ocean temperatures, etc.), but also about being part of a movement, a collective effort to ensure the prosperity of our planet for future generations.