Pictures of military bases in Syria indicate that, that Russia withdrew ships from Tartus

Image, made this week by Maxar Technologies and obtained by Business Insider, show, that Russian aircraft are still present at the Khmeimim air base , але військові кораблі більше не дислокуються на військово-морському об’єкті в Тартусі.

Russia supported Syria's long-time dictator Bashar al-Assad in his brutal civil war. Але військова присутність Москви суттєво зменшилась після того, as rebel forces captured Damascus and ousted Assad.

On a satellite image, made on Monday 30 December, Russian planes are visible, helicopters and military equipment at the Khmeimim Air Base near the coastal city of Latakia. A lot of activity was seen at the nearby civil international airport, Bassel Al Asad.

It is currently unclear, has russia left this base. At that time, image, made on Tuesday, show, that Russian warships have disappeared from the naval base in Tartus, a port city on the Mediterranean Sea. At least two frigates were spotted several miles off the coast. Five Russian surface ships — three frigates and two resupply tankers — and a submarine were spotted at the Tartus base earlier this week, but they all left the facility.

It is not clear, whether and when warships will return to port; their presence in the Mediterranean may have been for security reasons amid all the uncertainty on land, and not a complete evacuation from Tartus.

The new images came amid questions about Russia's future control of the Tartus and Khmeimim bases, which she kept for years.

Conflict experts from the Institute for the Study of War, analytical center of the USA, wrote in the assessment on Monday, that the potential loss of Russian bases in Syria would have serious consequences for Russia's ability to direct its forces into the Mediterranean, threaten the southern part of NATO and act in Africa.
