17 January 2025 year Fr. 04:07 (UTC) from the Sichan Satellite Launch Center, China launched Pakistan's PRSC-EO1 spacecraft and two satellites of unknown purpose, Tianlu-1 and Lantan-1, using the Long March 2D launch vehicle. Little is known about the purpose of the PRSC-EO1 satellite, but from open information sources it is reported that it is a remote sensing satellite of the Earth, запущений Китаєм […]
The EU announces the reduction of the acuteness of the problem of the shortage of launch vehicles. The European Union will introduce more innovation and competition, to demonstrate, що може йти в ногу з глобальними конкурентами. Central to this effort is the European Launcher Challenge program, which the European Space Agency (ЕКА) plans to start in the coming weeks. ЕКА, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, relies on this program, […]
Gaia spacecraft of the European Space Agency (THIS), which during 12 years engaged in the creation of a 3D map of the Milky Way, stopped scientific operations 15 January 2025 year due to the lack of cold gas fuel, necessary for the rotation of the device. Досягнення місії З моменту запуску в грудні 2013 year Gaia explored almost 2 billions of stars and collected data on their motion, brightness, температуру […]
Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket has made its maiden flight, successfully reaching orbit. Launch details The launch has taken place 16 January 07:03 UTC from the Cape Canaveral Spaceport in Florida. Across 12,5 minutes after launch, the upper stage of the rocket went into orbit. This was the main purpose of the NG-1 test flight. Спроба посадки бустера Компанія також намагалася здійснити посадку […]
Three Incubed satellites were launched from the Vandenberg Space Forces base, California, Emphasizing the role of ECA as an industry partner and its support of business and technological innovation. Incubated, ESA program from land observation, focused on developing innovative and commercially viable products and services, who create or use images and Data Sets. The launch took place 14 січня на […]
15 January 2025 year Fr. 06:11 (UTC) from the Space Center named after. Kennedy, Florida, USA, with the help of the "Falcon" launch vehicle 9 Block 5" launched two lunar landing modules "Blue Ghost Lunar Lander Mission 1 & Hakuto-R M2». Blue Ghost Lunar Lander Mission 1 is Firefly Aerospace's first lunar mission, organized as part of the program […]
Thousands of scientists from around the world gathered in Maryland this week, to discuss new discoveries about the universe and the latest advances in astronomy at the so-called “Astronomy Super Bowl”. 245-and a meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) will take place with 12 by 16 January at the Gaylord National Resort Convention Center in National Harbor, state of maryland. Під час чотириденного заходу будуть представлені численні […]
14 January 2025 year Fr. 19:09 (UTC) from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA with the help of the Falcon 9 Block 5" a cluster launch of the 131st multipurpose spacecraft of the "Transporter 12" mission was carried out. «ICEYE» – these satellites are equipped with SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), with the X-range developed by the Finnish startup company ICEYE. ICEYE is designed to provide SAR imagery in the mode, близькому […]
12 January 2025 року в Житомирі відзначили 118-у річницю від дня народження видатного вченого і конструктора у галузі ракетобудування й космонавтики, головного конструктора перших ракет-носіїв, штучних супутників Землі, пілотованих космічних кораблів, основоположника практичної космонавтики Сергія Павловича Корольова. Участь у заході та покладанні квітів до погруддя С.П. Корольова біля Національного музею космонавтики, названого на його честь, […]
Fifth rocket on solid fuel jielong-3 (Smart Dragon-3) It started 12 January (03:00 UTC 13 January ) From a specially converted marine barge off the coast of Khayan in the eastern part of the province of Shandun. Chinese Aerospace Scientific and Technical Corporation (Hull) announced successful launch more than two hours after start. Flying provided with orbiting 10 Microcentispace satellites-01 (Weili […]